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LO0077 (Ref. code)

029300000190 (EAN-13)


Delight your senses with the rich flavour of banana cream with this concentrated aroma from LorAnn.

Status: NEW Delivery in 24/48 hours
Weight: 48 grams

It is highly concentrated, maintaining a rich and powerful flavour even in extreme temperature conditions, which makes it perfect for baked recipes, such as biscuits, biscuits, cakes, icings,... Water-based emulsion, so it does not fade in flavour, but remains tasty and intense.

It is water soluble, ideal for mixing in beverages, dairy products, among other preparations. 

Suitable for use in chocolates and toppings, but may thicken slightly. Add liquefied coconut oil or cocoa butter to thin/soften (typical use is ¼ to ½ teaspoon per ½ kg, approx.).

When to be used in substitution of an extract, it is recommended to use between ¼ - ½ teaspoon for every teaspoon of extract listed in the recipe.

Recommendations for use:

  • Wipe up spills quickly, prolonged contact can cause damage.
  • Do not use measuring spoons or other plastic utensils.
  • Avoid direct contact with skin when product is used undiluted. Some flavourings such as cinnamon and almond are particularly potent.

Suggestions to increase the solubility of the flavour if you are having difficulties:

  • Decrease the level of flavouring used (too much can cause chocolates to seize).
  • Increase the mixing time or level if possible.
  • Increase the temperature of the mixture slightly when adding flavouring.
  • Consider adding an emulsifier, such as lecithin, xanthan gum or gum arabic.

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